Thank you for visiting our site. The RBM2022 has reached full capacity and registration is now closed.
Rust Belt: An area of the north United States historically known for heavy industry and steel production.
Rust Belt Microbiome: A cutting-edge conference named to commemorate the rise of Science and Medicine as emerging economic drivers in the Rust Belt region. The outstanding programs in microbiome or host-pathogen research highlight new forces in our region to improve human health, advance novel technology, and develop entrepreneurship. Our conference is designed to celebrate the past and the future of our thriving and vital area.
The goal of the Pittsburgh Rust Belt Microbiome (RBM) Conference is to bring together the microbiome, microbial evolution, and pathogenesis research communities from academic institutions and medical centers in the Rust Belt Region.
Our program integrates basic and translational science researchers and physicians in clinical practice at all levels of their careers. Plenary session, keynote talks, poster sessions, lunches, and a banquet dinner will provide multiple opportunities for participants to present and discuss their work.

Synthetic Biology and Microbial Engineering
Session Co-Chairs:
Warren Ruder PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Huaiying Zhang PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagbo Niepa PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Nicholas Be PhD, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Seth Chiders PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Saumya Saurabh PhD, New York University
Theodore Reed, Notre Dame University
Microbiome and Pathogen Evolution
Session Co-Chairs:
Vaughn Cooper PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Wook Kim PhD, Duquesne University
Kevin Mason PhD, The Ohio State University
Catherine Armbruster PhD, Dartmouth College
Chen Liao PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Michelle Scribner PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Tera Levin PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Tumor Immunotherapy and the Microbiome
Session Co-Chairs:
Timothy Hand PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Marlies Meisel PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Grace Chen MD, University of Michigan
Daniel Spakowicz PhD, The Ohio State University
Abigail Elise Overacre PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Marlies Meisel PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Viral Infections and the Microbiome
Session Co-Chairs:
Alison Morris MD, MS, University of Pittsburgh
Keven Robinson MD, University of Pittsburgh
John Alcorn PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Georgios Kitsios MD, University of Pittsburgh
Elodie Ghedin PhD, NIAID
Daria van Tyne PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Sarah Bagby PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Host-Pathogen Interactions
Session Co-Chairs:
Luisa Hiller PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Jennifer Bomberger PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Vincent Young MD, PhD, University of Michigan
Zheng Kuang PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Christine Bassis PhD, University of Michigan
Gina Lewin PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Eldin Jašarević PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Magee-Womens Research Institute
Chelsie Armbruster PhD, University of Buffalo
The 2nd Pittsburgh Rust Belt Microbiome Conference
November 3 – 4, 2022
Carnegie Mellon University
University Club at the University of Pittsburgh
Please direct any questions to: Luisa Hiller at lhiller@andrew.cmu.edu or Cynthia Vinkovich at vinkovichc@upmc.edu
Abstract submissions for poster and selected talks will open July 1, 2022.

Georgios Kitsios, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Luisa Hiller, Ph.D.
Carnegie Mellon University

Barbara Methé, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Alison Morris, M.D., M.S.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine