MCS Code of Conduct for In-Person and Virtual Events

Mellon College of Science has adapted this Code of Conduct to reflect the virtual environment. These are general for all MCS Events; however, specific events may have additional conduct codes.

We value your attendance and want to make your experience positive and productive through an open exchange of ideas in a professional setting.

  1. Please register. In order to attend a conference, you must have registered through the event’s website. Please do not share or forward registration information, meeting links and passwords to other people.
  2. Be lively! Be present and participate actively.  MCS events may use a variety of digital and online presentations and virtual communication tools, including Zoom, WebEx and Slack.  We encourage attendees to use the chat tools and communication methods outlined at each event.
  3. Be mindful. To support a participatory learning and sharing environment for everyone, be aware of how much time you consume in discussions and Q&A sessions.
  4. Be appropriate. Act with respect towards everyone you encounter, including event and venue staff.  Exercise consideration in your speech and actions. Unacceptable behaviors may result in immediate removal from the premises or virtual event and communication channels. Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to:
    • Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images
    • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form
    • Disruption of presentations during sessions
    • Recording of sessions without permission
    • Distribution of promotion materials, special offers, or any for-profit product announcements