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The goal of the Pittsburgh Rust Belt Microbiome (RBM) Conference is to bring together the microbiome, microbial evolution, and pathogenesis research communities from academic institutions and medical centers in the Rust Belt Region.
Our program integrates basic and translational science researchers and physicians in clinical practice at all levels of their careers. Plenary session, keynote talks, poster sessions, lunches, and a banquet dinner will provide multiple opportunities for participants to present and discuss their work.

Gary Borisy, Ph.D.
The ADA Forsyth Institute
short bio

Jennifer Bomberger, Ph.D.
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
short bio

Iliyan D. Iliev, Ph.D.
Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University
short bio
His pioneering research on the gut mycobiota defined the role of commensal fungi in innate mucosal and protective humoral immunity, and provided the first evidence for mycobiota involvement in the pathophysiology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The laboratory develops and applies translational, experimental and computational approaches to study the role of immunity and mycobiota early and later in life, upon therapeutic interventions and during conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, allergy, immunodeficiencies and gastrointestinal cancers, where fungi contribute to pathologies. Current effort in the laboratory, focused on the gut-bran axis and cancer, explores the unique neuro-modulatory and cancer-immunity modulating properties of fungi.
Dr. Iliev earned his PhD from the European School of Molecular Medicine and the University of Milan and was previously associated with the Tohoku University in Japan, LB Bulgaricum Plc., Meiji Co., Ltd and the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Currently he is a Burroughs Wellcome Fund PATH Investigator, Irma T. Hirschl Scholar, Kenneth Rainin Foundation Innovator, Fellow at the Canadian Institute For Advanced Research (CIFAR) and a Cancer Research Institute Lloyd J. Old STAR Fellow.
Mother and Infant Communication
Dr. Timothy Hand PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Mike Morowitz MD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Tim Hand PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Eldin Jašarević PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Stephanie Langel PhD, Case Western Reserve
Dr. Matt Olm PhD, University of Colorado
Multi-species Communities
Dr. Tagbo Niepa PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Vincent Young MD, PhD, University of Michigan
Dr. Chelsie Armbruster PhD, University at Buffalo
Dr. Miqdad Dhariwala PhD, The Ohio State University
Alyssa Hamm MS, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Yolanda Huang PhD, University of Buffalo
Dr. Joseph Zackular MD, University of Pennsylvania
Translation & Clinical Applications
Dr. Alison Morris MD, MS, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Georgios Kitsios MD, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Daria van Tyne PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Paul Carlson PhD, United States Food and Drug Administration
Dr. Ghady Haidar MD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Rasha Hammamieh PhD, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Dr. Michael Woodworth MD, Emory University School of Medicine
Microbiome Metabolites and their Functions
Dr. Vaughn Cooper PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. William de Pas PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Jan Claesen PhD, Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Ryan Hunter PhD, University of Buffalo
Kala Mahen, Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
Dr. Lauren Palmer PhD, University of Illinois
Dr. Apollo Stacy PhD, Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Jianglin Zhang PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Microbial-host Interactions
Dr. Luisa Hiller PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Drew Bridges PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Catherine Armbruster PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Drew Bridges PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Laty Cahoon PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Laura Cook PhD, Binghamton University
Dr. Patricia Grace PhD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Dr. Mark Mandel PhD, University of Wisconsin
The 3rd Pittsburgh Rust Belt Microbiome Conference
November 7 – 8, 2024
University Club at the University of Pittsburgh
Please direct any questions to: Luisa Hiller at lhiller@andrew.cmu.edu or Cindy Vinkovich at vinkovichc@upmc.edu
Statement of commitment to provide a safe environment
The RBM 2024 conference is dedicated to fostering a safe and respectful environment for all attendees, free from discrimination and harassment. This commitment is backed by the University of Pittsburgh’s Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, which provides an Anti-Harassment Policy, inclusive of a Nondiscrimination Policy and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Expectations of behavior
Conference attendees will be expected to behave respectfully and collegially, free from discrimination and harassment in all meeting interactions. This includes sexual, racial, ethnic, disability, age, religious, LGBTQ+, and any other type of discrimination, harassment, or intimidation.
How individuals can notify NIH
Individuals can contact the NIH to file complaints or provide information via this link and by calling: (301) 480-6701.

Georgios Kitsios, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Luisa Hiller, Ph.D.
Carnegie Mellon University

Barbara Methé, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Alison Morris, M.D., M.S.
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Rust Belt: An area of the north United States historically known for heavy industry and steel production.
Rust Belt Microbiome: A cutting-edge conference named to commemorate the rise of Science and Medicine as emerging economic drivers in the Rust Belt region. The outstanding programs in microbiome or host-pathogen research highlight new forces in our region to improve human health, advance novel technology, and develop entrepreneurship. Our conference is designed to celebrate the past and the future of our thriving and vital area.